Total Vision Seal Beach
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Emergency Eye Care in
Seal Beach

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Help When You Need it Most

Seek help right away if you experience an eye emergency. If you’re unsure that your symptoms warrant an emergency, contact Seal Beach Eyes, and we’ll help evaluate the situation. Swift action can help save your vision.

If we are closed, proceed to the closest emergency room or urgent care center.

Common Eye Emergencies


Trauma is any type of blunt force or physical impact in or near the eye.

Watch for symptoms like:

  • Black eye
  • Bleeding in or around the eyes
  • Swelling in or around the eye
  • Sharp eye pain

The most common types of chemical injuries include:

  • Irritants: These chemicals are found in items with a more neutral PH like detergents and pepper spray.
  • Alkali burns: These chemicals are found in household objects like fertilizer, cleaning products, and cement.
  • Acid burns: These chemicals are found in products like nail polish, vinegar, and car batteries.


Symptoms of a chemical splash include:

  • Eye pain
  • Burning and swelling eyes
  • Weeping eyes
  • Eyes are red or pink

If your eyes are exposed to a chemical, flush them with cool, clean water for several minutes and call Seal Beach Eyes immediately.

If an object becomes embedded in your eye, you must immobilize it immediately and seek medical attention.

To immobilize an object puncturing the eye:

  1. Do not apply pressure. Leave the object exactly as is.
  2. The size of the object determines how the first aider should proceed:
  • If the item is small, cover both eyes with sterile dressings.
  • If the item is large, tape a paper cup over the affected eye area and cover the other eye with sterile dressings.

A puncture is a severe eye emergency, and the item should be removed by a medical professional only.

Prevention & Protection

Appropriate eye protection in hazardous situations can significantly diminish the risk of eye emergencies. Even a fashionable pair of shades can offer protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays

We care for you and your families’ eyesight at Seal Beach Eyes. Call us immediately if you or a loved one require emergency care. Don’t delay. Swift treatment can save your vision!

We Look Forward to Seeing You

Visit Us

We’re located on the Pacific Coast Highway, in the same plaza as Seal Beach Animal Hospital.

Where to Park

There’s lots of parking right in front!

Our Address

  • 1190 Pacific Coast Highway
  • Seal Beach, CA 90740

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

  • Monday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Saturday: 9:00 AM 2:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed
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